Mosaics by BAMM North

We are the Northern branch of the British Association for Modern Mosaic

We love making mosaics!

We are a collective of mosaic enthusiasts, with professional and amateur artists.

What connects us is the sheer joy that mosaic making brings to our lives.

Mosaic is described as a craft or an art form depending on who you ask, but for us labels do not matter, we just love the medium as a way of expressing our emotions, our connection to nature and our endless satisfaction of playing with materials, colours and textures.

We have a passion for creating colourful modern mosaics using an infinite range of materials.

Making mosaics is an absorbing process that creates space for mindfulness.

Some of us run workshops for the public. If our mosaics inspire you, you can buy them or join the workshops run by some of our artists.

Enjoy discovering the diversity of style, subject matter and materials used by mosaic artists from the northern branch of the British Association for Modern Mosaic.


The pleasure of colours, materials and shapes connects us all to this ancient art form.

After taking a one-day mosaic course in the Yorkshire Dales, nearly 20 years ago, I was hooked! Mosaic-making to me, offers the ideal combination of creativity and practicality, enabling me to explore an endless range of materials, techniques and ideas.

— Nicky Tudor.

When I come across pieces of gorgeously decorated china or brightly coloured
glass and tiles, my first thought is invariably, what could I make from
this? Helping something new, fresh and beautiful emerge from old discarded
objects brings me great joy and satisfaction.

— Flick Gillett.

Mosaic is a wonderful way of expressing yourself as an artist, texture and colour, permanence and versatility are addictive. It's exciting yet meditative, empowering yet sensitive, pleasing the heart and calming the soul

— Coralie Turpin.

I was initially drawn to the drama of colour and reflection in mosaics and the challenge of achieving designs that allow the beauty of the materials to sing. I enjoy the endless potential of mosaics to develop individual creativity. No maker tackles the same subject with the same result.

— Jane Thorniley-Walker

Have a look at work in progress and our artists in their studios