Lucina Stuart

Singing Cockerel

I love colours and this bold cockerel singing to the sun gave me the opportunity to play with them. The rooster is a symbol of Portugal, which is a country I wish to explore more.

Glass tesserae, ceramic shapes, glass beads, stained glass, glass nuggets.

25 x 25 cm.

Baa Baa Black Sheep

This mosaic has been inspired by my love for hiking and the Lake District. I am fascinated by the number of different sheep you can see around.

Smalti, glass tesserae, pottery, china, glass beads, ceramic shapes

20x 20 cm.

Japanese Crane

I love watching birds and often make them in mosaic. This one was made after a visit to Japan. You can see Mount Fuji in the background.

Glass tesserae, glass beads, pottery, stained glass, glass nuggets, pebbles

18 x 18 cm.

About Lucina

Making mosaics started as a hobby in 2014 but it quickly turned into a healthy “addiction”. I have always been fascinated by glass. Partly because it's in my genes, (coming from Venice, the capital of glass) and partly because there is something magical about its qualities, particularly in the way the light plays on it.

My inspiration comes from different sources, mainly from the natural world ( I especially love birds ) and from my travels.  I like working with different media such as traditional glass tesserae but also pebbles, sea glass, shells, beer bottle tops, buttons, stained glass, beads, mirror, ceramic shapes, glass nuggets, etc. I have increasingly tried to incorporate broken pieces of china/pottery found in charity shops or car boot sales in my work. In our throw away, consumerist society it is good to appreciate how beautiful things can be made out of unwanted, discarded objects.

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